Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Don't Wanna Be an American Idiot (except I do)

I'm gonna take a little break from my favorite subject to blog about on this blog (me) and focus on someone different for a minute. But only a minute.

Sadly, not her. It's never about how I got to meet her.

I'm assuming you all know Leila Hegazy. If not, you're doing yourself a serious disservice. Wonderful friend of mine, and probably one of the best singers I've had the pleasure of working with. She's a pretty damn good songwriter too, and is working on releasing her first full length album this summer. Of course, that means Kickstarter! I wholeheartedly support Kickstarter (having gotten paid extra numerous times because my clients have overfunded their projects) and think it's an awesome tool for those of us who have to provide our own hype and pay for our own projects.

Again I go with my opinions, blah blah blah. Fact of the matter is, Leila's stupid talented and deserves much more than the paltry $2800 she's asking for, and YOU, dear readers, can make that happen. But let her tell you that, not me:

Ok, back to me.

In the ever-increasing frenzy to find a job so I don't stay broke forever, some interesting ideas have turned up. The first being, auditioning for a gig on a cruise ship. 6 month contract, $1900 a month, free room and board (shared, of course)... what's not to like? Granted, there's totally strings attached, like how they don't mention they're an agency and will take a decent portion of what I get paid, but that's better than nothing. The second (and most attainable) option: teaching guitar. I've already gotten a call back from a place in Rye about the possibility of joining the staff, and hopefully a meeting gets schedule that will lead to that. What's that line again? "If you can't do, teach."

The third, most exciting, hardest to achieve option: guitar for American Idiot's second tour.

I got my audition material through the email already (along with the 138952458348 other guitarists I'm sure applied) and hopefully can find a film major kind enough to make a professional looking video for me. Who knows? I could be on the road in 4 weeks, touring around the country.

It's the longest shot ever, but ain't gonna stop me from tryin'.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Carston Früm, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Write Ambient Music

Hope you're all staying cool on the hottest day New York has had in a long time. I've never been so happy to be sitting at the desk answering phones at my internship; free air conditioning! When I'm in the city I share a room the size of a closet with no A/C, so fat guy + A/C = I'll do whatever you need, so long as I can keep my rolls cool.

Last week I put out an EP of music I'd started during my last week of college. Bear with me, it's sort of a big deal. One, because I'm actually selling it (which I never do with my music). Of course, there's still the option to download it for free; nobody has any money anymore, and I'd rather have people listening to it and spreading it around and not making any money off of it than them not getting it because of some set arbitrary amount (originally, I tried a $2 minimum, which lasted all of 15 minutes).

Two (and this reason's actually kinda cool), it's the first time I sat down every day and forced myself to commit an idea to "paper". Each song minus the bonus track was started in a succession of days, and was finished once the impending doom of graduation was dealt with. As such, some of the music is tense, uncertain, sorrowful, what have you. The regular gamut of emotions one runs through right before starting the rest of their life. 

I talk too much. The music's my take on ambient (so, ambient film score, sort of) with fittingly Swedish band name to match. The name was born out of the idea to have our names pronounced entirely wrong with what was written. Carston Früm was a take on Christian Frahme, one of my housemates; of course, it helps that it looks like Sigur Rós.

^My personal favorite track, and the one that started the whole project.

Download, listen, spread, enjoy, and if you like it enough give me money! That gives me more incentive to do these types of things, or at least lets me buy things to do them better.

One last thought before I go: caught Prometheus on Tuesday. Apart from a rather refreshing take on film score in a major release, I'm still trying to decipher why the film was made. It looked incredible, sure (possibly cause of the Imax 3D and all of the subwoofer), but I didn't see the point. Between all the mouthfucking aliens and Charlize Theron's bodysuit (admittedly awesome), it seems like Ridley Scott missed the whole idea of a movie: it has to have a point. Which I feel Prometheus did not.

Though it did allow me to whisper "Spaaaaaace" at every possible moment.

Pictured: Space. And robot Michael Fassbender.

I'm done.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Post-Graduate Crankiness

I suppose I don't blog as often as I should. Considering I'm interning at a place that requires me to put in anywhere from 2 to 5 hours sitting in front of a phone waiting for it to ring, I should have time to update. Said time is usually spent reading and re-reading Cracked articles, and now with the recent acquisition of Netflix, watching mind-numbing TV shows.

Too much time wasted.

Being an intern 4 days a week isn't really where I envisioned my life going. We all have these lofty aspirations to be hired straight out of college, touring the world or scoring that big budget Hollywood movie and walking down the red carpet to the Oscars (hey, I can dream). Reality sets in soon afterwards when you realize how few and far between music jobs appear. All the musicians I graduated with are still jobless and I know more than a few are contemplating other career paths.

Yes, I'm well aware that I only graduated from college less than a month ago (a point that's hurled at me every time I complain about working for $10 a day), but the future's scary. I spent enough time working at a snack bar over the past few summers to know that it's absolutely miserable, and I don't want to have to stoop that low again just to get by.

Bitch, moan, bitch, complain, bitch, etc.

On a couple sidenotes: I took a stab at writing "ambient" music where I started a track a day right before graduation. Those 5 tracks will be out soon, once I get the artwork for the album. I'm also involved in an upcoming webseries called "Mock Justice", whose 5 minute pilot is set to be completed this weekend and entered into competitions next weekend. I'll have updates for both of these next posting cycle (which hopefully won't be like the last update, 2 months ago).

In the meantime, I'm going to see Amanda Palmer in 2 weeks, where I paid far too much for StubHubbed tickets but don't really care, because it's Amanda Fucking Palmer. Watch this video (still one of my favorites),.